In the prevailing society, generally till the age of 8, we consider children as small and try to Mold them in a Direction that feels Right to us. In the stream of later life suddenly considering them as Grownups we wish to see them Performing Well. No child can ever be compared with any other student in any field because every child is very different. Everyone’s Work Style is different, their Strengths and Weaknesses are different.
But is it fair to expect Performance from children when they are given a path as per our wish or sometimes just because our relatives or friends choose that path for their children?
While working in the field of Actual Teaching and Educational Guidance for more than 15 years, one thing was foundto be almost the same while being in the association with students and their families from different fields. Rather than Molding children in a Direction that feels Right to us or comparing them to others, they should be Molded in the Direction that is Best Suited for them after analysing them from childhood itself. Most of those students confidently Succeeded in their Academic Journey after Class 10th.
Mental Ability Test (MAT) helps parents and teachers to Understand children in a better way. Thus, students can be Seen, Heard, Cared and Supported, in the Direction that is Best for them. Our Belief in children and Support for them has the power to boost their Self-confidence, Self-worth, and Purpose in Life.